Why buy wilty parsley at the store, just to come home and throw away yet more plastic. Parsley can flourish even in the most inhospitable growing conditions like low light and poor soil. If you've got a windowsill, a patio, or even a fire escape, you too can grow parsley. This resilient little herb is practically impossible to kill.
Parsley prefers 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. Partial shade in hot climates. Indoors: Grow in pots with bright light or hydroponically using grow lights for 12-14 hours.
Keep the soil evenly moist, watering when the top inch dries out. Indoors, check more frequently due to dry air; outdoors, water regularly, especially in full sun.
Parsley is a cool weather crop and favors 50-85°F, ideally 60-70°F. Plant outdoors in March-June and August-September in NYC zone 7b. Indoors, ensure 60-70°F year-round.
Indoors: 6-8" wide, 6" deep, 1 gallon or hydroponically; Outdoors: 8-10" wide, 10" deep, 2-3 gallons
Parsley prefers rich potting mix with plenty of organic matter, such as organic compost o cow manure. Indoors, use indoor potting soil with a 1" layer of worm castings on top.
Use 10-10-10 fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Organic options: fish emulsion, compost tea. Heavy feeder; ensure sufficient nutrients throughout the growing season.
Parsley is ready for harvest 70-90 days after planting, or when the leaves are 4-6 inches long. Parsley plants can live for 1 to 2 years. The seconds year it will produce flowers and go to seed before ending its life cycle.
Harvest outer parsley leaves regularly, avoiding the central stem. Regular harvesting encourages new growth and maintains the plant’s productivity.
Yellow Leaves: Ensure good drainage, let soil dry. Pale Leaves: Use balanced fertilizer. Wilting: Water regularly. Pests (Aphids): Spray with soapy water or release ladybugs. Diseases (Leaf Spot): Improve air circulation.
There are around 10-15 varieties of arugula gardeners commonly grow. One of the perks of growing arugula at home is the opportunity to experiment with different varieties that you won't find at the grocery store.
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