Mint grows like a weed and it can suddenly take over your garden. But with a little tough love, some strategic planning, and keeping it contained in a pot, you can tame this botanical beast. Just be prepared to share your abundance with your neighbors, because this stuff multiplie fast.
Mint prefers 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. Partial shade in hot climates. Indoors: Grow in wide pots with bright light or hydroponically using grow lights for 10-12 hours.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Indoors, monitor soil moisture frequently; outdoors, water regularly. Mint enjoys moist conditions but ensure proper drainage.
Mint is perennial and grows in 55-90°F, ideally 60-70°F. Plant outdoors in April-May and August-September in NYC zone 7b. Indoors, keep at 60-70°F year-round.
Indoors: 8-10" wide, 6-8" deep, 2 gallons or hydroponically; Outdoors: 12" wide, 12" deep, 5 gallons. Always keep mint in a pot, never plant directly in the earth.
Mint loves rich, moist potting mix with organic compost or cow manure. Indoors, stick to worm castings.
Use 10-10-10 fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Organic options: compost, worm castings. Mint depletes soil nutrients quickly; regular feeding is necessary.
Mint is ready for harvest 60-90 days after planting, or when the stems are 4-6 inches long with several sets of leaves. Indoors, mint can live for 5 to 10 years when properly cared for; outdoors, mint can live for years, surviving the harshest of NYC winters.
Harvest mint leaves regularly to prevent legginess and cut back to the ground seasonally. Mint can spread aggressively, so regular pruning helps keep it in check.
Pests (Aphids): Release ladybugs or wash leaves with soapy water. Wilting: Water regularly. Yellow Leaves: Avoid overwatering. Diseases (Rust): Improve air circulation. Leggy Growth: Prune regularly to encourage bushiness.
There are around 10-15 varieties of arugula gardeners commonly grow. One of the perks of growing arugula at home is the opportunity to experiment with different varieties that you won't find at the grocery store.
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